Moonlight Heads Walk, Sunday 9th June, 2013.
Walkers: Alan Dow (Trip Leader), Bernard Jordan, Nola Hardess, Sue McKenzie, Kim Attard, Leane Matheson, Linda Boyd, Gary Higgins, Joan McMahon, Jenny Grice, Jenny ?. (GBC, ORWTA & Camperdown Clubs were represented.)
To mix it up occasionally, ORWTA do a walk, different to the forays into the rainforest along the Trans Otway Walk. The mild winter conditions continued as it was a great day for walking. After a short car shuffle, the group of 11 set off south along Parker Access to the first of several amazing vistas. From the Moonlight Heads escarpment, you can see below to the rocky beach & ‘Submarine Rock’ and also as far away as Cape Otway. We then followed the Great Ocean Walk through the coastal forest until we came upon the next equally great lookout, that of the Gables, a deserved spot for our ‘banana break’. Still heading west, and at one place siding where the old Moonlight Heads racecourse was, we came upon the new section of the GOW that reaches the Devil’s Kitchen walk-in campsite. While some of our group had to experience the ‘loo with the view’, the rest continued on to descend towards the beach. Some had lunch on the seats made from rocks, with a great elevated view of the beach, while others chose to have it at the beach.
It was after our break when things got exciting, although not high tide we had a big sea running. Heading east now, we had to negotiate the entirety of Wreck Beach, which just meant moving quickly in between the high points. At some point, most got wet up to their knees. A certain confident trip leader hadn’t even got his boots wet, until at the very last spot he also suffered the same fate as the others; much to their amusement. The conditions were not that you could have strolled along Wreck Beach and enjoyed seeing the anchors from two shipwrecks, the vast array of different rocks & pebbles and the beautiful rock pools. However, we were able to experience one of ‘mother natures’ moods.
Then up the wooden staircase, with most that counted being only 2 or 3 steps away from my benchmark of 374, except for Bernard who seemed to have found a lot more. The next already-walked section was the ‘crossover’ of our intended figure-8 walk. Here we met a group that had seen two snakes today; even the snakes don’t think it’s a normal winter. From the Gables carpark, we walked north along the Moonlight Heads road to the Old Coach Road, where one of the cars was left. It was here that the Geelong folk left us. The rest of us continued along this rural lane, completing the figure-8 arriving at the car at 5 pm.
At Lavers Hill, the GBC folk got take-away coffees from the PO / Café while the others sat in for our coffees at the Roadhouse / Tavern.
Thankyou to all who participated in this 7 hr wildly wonderful winter walk !!